Logo Rose du Vent

Private cruises around Amsterdam

Relax, unwind, enjoy


Private boattour (Drinks and tapas not included):395 euros total, max 10 personsDrinks and food available to be purchased on board Private boattour All inclusive: 150 euros per person Min. 4, max 10 persons– 3 hours starting at 14:00 hrs– Boattour 3 hours includes time for a ‘dip’– Skipper & Stewart– Sushi/tapas– Drinks (Beer, wine, soda)

Rose du Vent

Durgerdammerdijk 1014 C
1026 CR Amsterdam
Telefoon +31 6 22 39 24 42
Email roseduventcontact@gmail.com
Website roseduventamsterdam.com
Kvk 34144315
BTW NL175363523 B01
Bank NL08 INGB 0395 7849 99